When receiving a class action notice, many consumers wonder whether to opt out of the class action and pursue an individual lemon law claim or join a class action lawsuit and accept the class action settlement. At the same time, class action lawsuits may seem attractive—promising to resolve the issues for a large group of consumers simultaneously—but they are not always the most beneficial route for individuals dealing with a defective vehicle. In rare cases, pursuing an individual lemon law claim can provide quicker, more direct compensation and a better resolution to your specific issues.

We will explore why filing an individual lemon law claim against a car manufacturer is often a more intelligent choice than joining a class action lawsuit. 

The Drawbacks of Class Action Lawsuits in Lemon Law Cases

Class action lawsuits are designed to consolidate multiple individual claims into one case, allowing a group of plaintiffs to sue a company collectively. While this structure offers certain benefits, such as streamlining the legal process and reducing legal costs, occasionally opting out of the class action and filing an individual claim is a better option.  Opting out of a class is not easy, and the time to do so is critical, so you should seek legal advice if your vehicle is a lemon and you receive a class action notice.  

Limited Compensation

One of the most significant drawbacks of joining a class action lawsuit is the potential for limited compensation. In class actions, settlements are often distributed among thousands of consumers. This means that even if the class action lawsuit results in a large settlement, individual members usually only receive a tiny settlement. The compensation provided under the class action may not even cover the costs associated with repeated repairs or the diminished value of your vehicle.

Lengthy Legal Process

Due to their size and complexity, class action lawsuits usually move slowly through the legal system. These cases can take years to resolve, and even after a settlement is reached, it may take additional time for the class members to receive compensation. Waiting years for a resolution can be frustrating and financially draining for car owners with severe defects.

In contrast, filing an individual lemon law claim can result in a faster resolution if your vehicle is a lemon. Lemon and warranty laws usually provide consumers with resolution within a reasonable time if they have purchased or leased a defective vehicle. While the timeline for resolving an individual lemon law claim varies depending on the state and the specific case, it’s nearly always much shorter than a class action lawsuit.

Lack of Personal Attention

When you join a class action lawsuit, your circumstances may not receive the attention they deserve. Class action lawsuits focus on the collective grievances of the group, which means that the specific details of your case may not be fully addressed, such as the severity of your vehicle’s defect or the impact it has had on your daily life. As a result, the settlement you receive may not adequately reflect the extent of your damages.

In contrast, filing an individual lemon law claim ensures your case is treated as a unique situation. You’ll have the opportunity to work directly with an attorney who will focus on your specific needs, gather evidence of your vehicle’s defects, and build a case that seeks to maximize your compensation.

The Benefits of Filing an Individual Lemon Law Claim

While class action lawsuits may seem efficient in addressing widespread issues with a vehicle manufacturer, pursuing an individual lemon law claim offers several distinct advantages. By filing your claim, you can take control of the legal process and seek a resolution directly addressing your situation.

Higher Potential for Full Compensation

One of the most significant advantages of filing an individual lemon law claim is the potential to receive total compensation for your damages. Unlike class action lawsuits, where compensation is divided among a large group of plaintiffs, an individual claim allows you to seek monetary damages based on your specific losses and sometimes obtain a repurchase from the manufacturer.

This level of compensation is typically far more than what you would receive in a class action settlement, where payments are often minimal and normally only cover part of your financial losses.

Quicker Resolution

As mentioned, class action lawsuits can take years to resolve due to their complexity and the number of plaintiffs involved. This extended timeline can frustrate car owners dealing with defective vehicles, especially if the vehicle is unsafe or requires constant repairs.

By filing an individual lemon law claim, you can resolve your case more quickly. Lemon laws are specifically designed to expedite the process of providing relief to consumers, and many states have provisions that require manufacturers to respond to lemon law claims within a specific timeframe. This means you typically receive a resolution to your case in months rather than years.

Personalized Legal Representation

When you file an individual lemon law claim, you can work directly with an attorney focused solely on your case. This personalized attention allows your attorney to gather all relevant evidence, such as repair records, communication with the manufacturer, and expert testimony, to build a strong case on your behalf.

In addition, an experienced lemon law attorney can provide you with tailored legal advice based on the specific details of your case, helping you navigate the complexities of the legal process and ensuring that your rights are protected. This level of individualized attention is rarely available in a class action lawsuit, where the focus is on the collective group rather than the individual.

Lessons from the GM Bolt Class Action Lawsuit

GM Bolt Class Action Overview


The General Motors (GM) Bolt EV and EUV were involved in a class action lawsuit due to battery defects that posed fire risks. Owners reported incidents of battery fires, prompting significant safety concerns and recalls.

Class Action Proceedings

The lawsuit was initiated by Bolt owners, who claimed GM was aware of the battery issues but failed to inform consumers or adequately address the risks. The plaintiffs sought compensation for repairs, vehicle devaluation, and other damages resulting from the defect.


In 2023, GM reached a settlement to resolve the class action claims. Key components of the settlement included:

  • Compensation: Eligible class members received cash payments to cover losses related to the battery defects.
  • Battery Replacement: GM committed to replacing defective battery modules in affected vehicles.
  • Extended Warranty: The settlement included an extended warranty covering battery-related issues for a specified duration for affected Bolt EV and EUV owners.


The settlement aimed to provide relief to affected Bolt owners and enhance the vehicles' safety and reliability. It underscored the importance of accountability in the automotive industry, particularly regarding consumer safety.


The GM Bolt class action settlement addressed significant safety concerns related to battery defects, offering compensation and remediation to affected owners. If you own a Bolt EV or EUV, it's essential to understand your rights and any potential benefits available through the settlement.

While the GM class action may relieve a broad group of consumers, it also highlights the limitations of this type of lawsuit. Many plaintiffs are dealing with severe and ongoing vehicle issues. However, the class action settlement compensation is much lower than qualified Bolt owners could accept from pursuing an individual claim.   

By filing an individual claim under their state’s lemon law, GM vehicle owners can seek total compensation for their specific damages,  including repairs, diminished value, and other expenses. 

The Smart Choice for Defective Vehicle Claims

While class action lawsuits can effectively address widespread consumer issues, in some cases, they are not always the best option for individuals dealing with defective vehicles that have been repaired multiple times under the factory warranty. For car owners facing repeated problems with their vehicles, filing an individual lemon law claim often provides a quicker, more personalized, and more financially beneficial resolution.

Suppose you’re experiencing significant problems with your vehicle, such as those alleged in the GM class action lawsuit, or with any other General Motors vehicle. In that case, it’s essential to consult an experienced attorney and consider your options carefully. By opting out of a class action and pursuing an individual lemon law claim, you can take control of the legal process and seek total compensation for your damages without being limited by the constraints of a class action lawsuit.

At our consumer law firm, The Lemon Lawyers, we specialize in helping consumers navigate the complexities of lemon law claims. Our team of experienced attorneys is dedicated to providing personalized legal representation and ensuring that our clients receive the compensation they deserve. If your vehicle may qualify as a lemon, contact us today for a free consultation. We’ll help you understand your rights and guide you through filing a claim.

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